Wet trails......The cloud hunt :)

You don’t ride unless you ride in the rain and you don’t ride in the rain unless you get your balls soaked :p . Yeah I have rode in the rain a lot but this time I felt like it was for the first time. Maybe because I was little disturbed for random reasons or maybe because I got a full free road with heavy raining and elegant curves for a little long time. I just got to enjoy every bit of the ride and once more it was just the road, me and my baby. If you would ask me what was that one thing I loved in this ride, I would tell you without thinking much that it was the rattling of the rain drops on my helmet visor that blew me off today.

I just took random lefts and rights and kept on riding until I reached the Machanabele dam (I wasn’t expecting to reach here). I had little too much time to reflect on lots of things during the ride and all thanks to the clouds that were generous enough.

Of everything that I saw today, it was those tiny little rain drops, which didn’t stay on the visor for more than a second that caught all my attention and won all my love. Does it signify anything? It might. Maybe not. It all depends on how we look at things. Everything is just a matter of time. The same ‘you’ who was there a second before and the ‘you’ who is there in the current second might be two contradicting entities if seen that way. The influence of time is something that is definitely beyond the reach of our imagination but it is seemingly immense.

A rain drop that was there on your helmet visor made you fall in love with it. Had it stayed there for a few more seconds to divert your attention enough, it might have taken your life too along with it. We all want to jump a signal light hoping to save a few seconds but none of us think about the price that we might have to pay with precious hours and days for that one second where everything went wrong. We cut in a lane traffic to save a few seconds only to realize that it cost us a lot more minutes instead. We reach on judgment about people based on one wrong second where they went totally against us and we easily forget the multitudes of days they spent making us smile. Everything is just a matter of time.

All of us are in a rush but none of us really know where we are heading to. None of us want to think that it is just a matter of a few seconds and it will pass. If we had the ability to believe that the times are meant to pass and pages anew are waiting for us unopened, we would have definitely lived a better life. A life that is meaningful and a life that is worth. We wouldn’t snatch what we don’t deserve and we would have fought for what we love.  

I wish to start over. I am just going to erase out of my memory everything that can get me hooked to the past. I am just forgiving everyone who have hurt me directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally. Because I know that that too was a matter of time. Things would have been different if I had waited for the moments to pass. And I apologize everyone whom I have hurt. I just want to experiment if peace can prevail. Because if I cannot nurture it inside myself, I am sure that I can’t vouch for it anywhere else. Now on I will try to keep my calm and think to understand why a few seconds are bad in my life and I would try to find a way out of it. Because when I let anger take over my mind I know that I am just losing my battle against life. Do what seems impossible and bringing peace is one among them. Let me not get over-attached with things and people because even the happiness, I suppose, is momentarily. They too might pass and if you had developed your happy life around a few things and a few people, you will be shattered when they are not around anymore.

Let me see if I can keep my calm at those people who cut lanes without indicators, who expose their true genetic traits while they are behind the wheels. Because if I succeed, I will be proving myself that I am capable of much better things in my life.

Just like the rains that wash away the dirt from the roads even if they are meant to get dirty again. Just like the rains that quench the thirst of men who pollute the clouds that bear them. Just like the rains that can be a soothing touch on your face in this second and transform to a destructive power in the coming few. Just like the rains that do the most difficult things, I just need to teach myself to do things that once I never thought about.


I thougt that this road would take me to the top of the hill in the picture...... It didn't...

A different view of Machanabele dam. I went for a mini trek :p . Climbed the hill close to it.

 Why not a selfie?? ;)

"The tough conditions doesn't stop me from being myself..." workers on commute..

let them embrace the earth with bare feet..
let them know the pleasure given by the roughness of the sands..
let them know how earth smells..
let them play, fall and scrape their skin on it and let them share their blood with it..
For it is from the sand we came and for it is to the sand we return..
let them love it so that they won't harm it when they grow up..

one, the energy that drives me....
one, the reason that drives me...

Photo Courtsey: WickedFrames


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